Bilateral Projects


Project Title (collaborating institute and faculty)
Funding agency
1 Accelerated Design and Development of New Engineered Materials for Biomedical Applications (with Surya R. Kalidindi, Georgia Tech., USA) Visiting Advanced Joint Research Faculty Scheme’, VAJRA
2 Electrical stimulation with electroactive biomaterials as therapeutic strategy for intractable bone and neurodegenerative diseases (Sarah Cartmell, University of Manchester, UK and
Kam Leong, Columbia University, USA)
Scheme for Promotion of Academic Research Collaboration, SPARC scheme  (2019-21)
3 Conventional and Advanced Ceramics manufacturing for the Next Generation of Ceramics and Glass Engineers (Outreach)
[4 academic institutes (IISc/IIT R/NIT K/Belur); 2 companies]
Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation, American Ceramic Society (2018-19)  
4 Development of indigenous novel zirconia reinforced mica glass ceramic composite for dental restorative applications(Research training of a dental surgeon) Wellcome Trust- DBT India Alliance Program (2016-18)
5 Development of SiAION Ceramics for Tribological Applications (with CSIR-CGCRI and Anadolu University, Turkey) CSIR-TUBITAK grant (2008-09)
6 Tribological properties of nanostructured ceramic composite materials (with Mitjan Kalin, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Indo-Slovenia Project (2007-08)